Referral to SIRP can be made here.
Who can make a referral to SIRP?
- Caregiver
- Teacher
- Principal/Vice Principal
- Juvenile Community Corrections Officer
- Law Enforcement
- Other person in youth’s life
Who should be referred to SIRP?
- Youth considering using substances
- Youth who are using substances
- Youth surrounded by substance use
- Youth making high-risk choices
- Youth selling substances
When completing a referral:
- Be sure to enter all the information you have about the youth
- Provide the caregiver’s information and whether or not they are aware of the referral
- Provide your contact information for follow up about the referral
- Give any information you have about what prompted the referral
- If you have previously made SIRP referrals to a community organization listed on the referral form, please identify that organization in your referral